## Version: 1.0.5, Nov 21, 2023
#### Updates:
- Course formatting updated to be more readable, cc @abaer2
#### Contributors:
- Logan Stucker @lfstucker
## Version: 1.0.4, Nov 20, 2023
#### Updates:
- Refactored SD section
- Filtered SD on all needed pipelines
#### Contributors:
- Logan Stucker @lfstucker
## Version: 1.0.3, Nov 15, 2023
#### Updates:
- Adding Basics workshop v1
#### Contributors:
- Logan Stucker @lfstucker
## Version: 1.0.2, Nov 15, 2023
#### Updates:
- Additional chat exercises
- Fixes to PM Auto DevOps
- Removal of old DB set up
#### Contributors:
- Rob Jackson @rjackson-gitlab
- Logan Stucker @lfstucker
## Version: 1.0.1, Nov 1, 2023
#### Updates:
- Spelling corrections in the Project Management course
#### Contributors:
- Chris Guitarte @cguitarte
## Version: 1.0.0, Oct 18, 2023
#### Updates:
- Init release of new application
- Choose your own adventure type, works for any major demo of GitLab features
- Init course release comes with AI, CICD, Security, & Project Management
#### Contributors:
- Logan Stucker @lfstucker